Messages that are consistent and aligned with the brand's objectives

As an additional contribution to the strategy of our projects, we offer our clients the development of their communications in several different applications. Thus, we apply specific themes and take strategic actions on various platforms and media. Our market vision and experience working with different types of clients give us the courage to pitch and deliver creative ideas for our clients' brands because we see each material's potential and creative limits. We demonstrate our way of thinking with innovative ideas and visual solutions that transcend the power of time. Our work includes validating and diagnosing strategic content for developing campaigns, exhibitions, presentations, and visual productions, all of which apply to our strategy and plan.


Science Panel for the Amazon: The Amazon we aspire to have

The Amazon Science Panel is an unprecedented initiative carried out under the auspices of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). The SPA is formed by more than 200 prominent scientists and researchers from the eight Amazonian countries, French Guiana, and global partners. It is strategically supported by a committee that includes Sebastião Salgado, Ricardo Galvão, Marina Helou, Clarence Seedorf, and Juan Manuel Santos, among others. These experts came together to debate, analyze, and gather the accumulated knowledge of the scientific community, indigenous peoples, and other actors who live and work in the Amazon. It is an unprecedented report that provides a comprehensive, objective, open, transparent, systematic, and rigorous scientific assessment of the state of the Amazon's ecosystems, current trends, and their implications for the long-term well-being of the region, as well as relevant opportunities and policy options for conservation and sustainable development. We created the Executive Summary and illustrations for the project.

Culture and Human Resources

Atvos: our culture is our energy

This project materializes the value proposition of Atvos employees, uniting everyone in the same coherent worldview. The application of the brand language leads to the creation of various materials that connect teams working in plants throughout Brazil. This project was carried out in partnership with Culture Code.


Ocean Network Express: Magenta Vibes Only, 3 years

Internal campaigns activate the diverse areas of ONE's operations in Brazil, including creating support materials across several platforms for employee interaction. We created the Magenta Vibes Only campaign, which uniquely promotes the brand's color and is implemented annually.


Pirelli: Culture Guide

We developed the design for the Pirelli brand culture guide in Latin America, including aspirational information for employee journey moments inspired by the Pirelli spirit.


Festive Signatures

20 years of CPFL Soluções: Energy trading with solidity

Lanatta™ developed a commemorative design for CPFL Soluções, which in 2022 celebrated 20 years in the energy trading business. The design is contemporary and solid, using gradients of shapes and beams of light.


General Enquiries, Media & PR

NY +1 917 720 3422
UK  +44 20 8144 3396
BR +55 11 984550190

Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 1455 - 4º andar. São Paulo, SP
04543 011


creative passion forward

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